Reasons to Be Thankful for Our Pets

There are many reasons to be thankful for our pets. Even if they chew our shoes or scratch up our furniture, the love and joy they bring to our lives is priceless. Often, they can make the darkest days seem brighter and they usually give us no choice but to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how much we want to sleep in.


Our pets bring so much joy and happiness into our lives. They are loyal companions, provide unconditional love, and offer numerous health benefits. As we reflect on what we are thankful for, let's take a moment to appreciate the many reasons why we should be grateful for our furry friends.
Pets are definitely something to be thankful for!


They Provide Unconditional Love πŸ’œ

Have you ever wondered if your pet actually loves you? The answer is, YES! Research has shown that cats often show their affection in subtle ways, such as purring and rubbing their head against you.

Unwavering friendship isn’t easy to come by in this day and age. Your animal companion may very well outlast jobs, cars, residences, and even relationships. Fido and Fluffy don’t care how much you make, or what you wear. They just want to spend time with you. A pet’s love is truly a special and precious thing in our book!

They Make Hard Days Easier 🌈

It’s been a long, hard day at work; you’ve had to sit in rush hour traffic for too long; you spilled your lunch down the front of your shirt– it’s safe to say you’re probably having a bad day. But when you open the door to enter your home, shaking his entire body in pure joy is your dog. No matter how hard the day is, that happiness that he shows just to see that you’re home is enough to overcome the worst of days.

Then on days where you’re sad or sick and you don’t feel like doing anything else except lying on the couch and watching television, your cat jumps up to sit on your lap. She purrs as you stroke her fur which can have a calming sensation to them, as well as you. As she nuzzles in closer to you and you can feel her warmth, your heart and health are immediately elevated.

They Keep Us Healthy ☘️

It’s no secret that owning a dog increases your daily amount of physical activity. Harvard researchers found that parenting a pet has been proven to help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and reduce the risk for heart-related health issues. This can be for a number of reasons including the ones listed above, but another sign of how dogs and cats can help improve your health is that they keep you moving.

This is especially true for parents of puppies and kittens. They have so much energy that you can get worn out just watching them, let alone chasing them all over the house or yard. In fact, as reported by The NY Times, studies have shown that people with dogs are more active than those without. Walking, playing and yes, cleaning up after their messes keeps you going and helps improve your overall health.

In addition to our physical health, pets also keep us mentally healthy! It is scientifically proven that animals can reduce a person’s stress levels. Research shows that pet owners experience less loneliness and have a high level of emotional well-being. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle up with their pet after learning that?

Reasons to Be Thankful for Our PetsΒ Reasons to Be Thankful for Our Pets

They Provide Companionship 🐢

Who will always be there for you after a long day? Your pet! Animals provide valuable companionship for many individuals, and they make great listeners, too.

Let’s be honest, we love how excited our pets get each and every time we come home. Studies have shown that dogs respond powerfully to their owner’s scent and voice. Animals aren’t afraid or embarrassed to shower us with love and show us how much we mean to them. Not only will we always be there for our pets, but our pets will always be there for us!

They Make You Laugh 😺

There’s a reason why there is such an affinity for spending hours of our lives watching hilarious cat videos online. It’s as if a comedian was encoded into their DNA. The way they are mesmerized by string or feathers or chase a flashlight in curiosity; you can’t help but laugh trying to wonder what is going on inside of their heads.

What about those times where you open up your dog’s food canister only to hear the pitter- patter of his feet scurrying across the floors? He comes screaming into the kitchen, but even after all of these years hasn’t figured out how to use his brakes on the wood floor and goes careening into the trashcan only to shake it off because, well, food. Or when you scratch that certain spot and his back leg goes crazy? Even the mellowest of dog parents can’t help but chuckle.

As the old saying says, laughter is the best medicine. Our furry friends certainly provide us with lots of it. Whether Fluffy is sleeping in an odd place or position, meowing in a comical way, or racing around in a catnip-induced glee, she definitely has a way of making us smile. All animals have their own personalities, quirks, and unique ways of being funny, and we are so here for it.

Furry companions bring so much joy into our lives, filling each day with laughter and happiness!

They Help Us Make New Friends πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§

Owning a pet can instantly turn you into a social butterfly. Dog parks are a great way to meet fellow dog owners and new dog friends.

Heading out the door for a walk around the neighborhood? Be sure to pack some extra treats to share, who knows who you might meet with everyone wanting to pet your cute furball!

They Teach Us Responsibility 🐀

Adopting a pet is a great way to learn responsibility. You are your pet’s whole world, and they depend on you to give them a great life. The act of caring for any animal can provide many life lessons on how to be a responsible caretaker. Pets teach us to slow down and make time to play or take walks! Raising our furry friends reminds us to love unconditionally, stop holding grudges, and enjoy the journey.Β 

Pets challenge us to be better versions of ourselves. All pet owners know the amount of patience it takes to train a pet. Dedicating time to training your furball can be difficult, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world!

Reasons to Be Thankful for Our PetsReasons to Be Thankful for Our Pets


They Keep You On Your Toes 🐾

While this might not sound like something to be thankful for, it definitely is. For anyone that is or has been a pet parent, they know that it’s not always the easiest. Maybe it’s your cat knocking the flower pot off the shelf or your pup getting into the trash, no day is ever dull as a pet parent. There are always those days where your patience will be tried, but when you look at them 10 minutes later you don’t even remember what you were mad about. They have a way of getting you to develop a selective memory.

They give you a sense of purpose, and it’s one of the best jobs that you could ever have. The satisfaction you get when your pup raises his hand to shake on command after training, or seeing your cat go lay her claws into her scratching post rather than your curtains gives you great pride in your ability to raise them.

Loyalty πŸ•

There are many things to love about pets, but their loyalty is definitely at the top of the list. Fido will always jump for joy to greet you when you get home, and will stick by your side through all of life’s ups and downs. Your feline buddy will also be there to comfort you with purrs and cuddles on bad days.Life Lessons πŸ–οΈ

If you stop and think about it, we can actually learn quite a bit from Fido and Fluffy. Cats are the purrfect reminder of how important it is to relax. Dogs, on the other hand, can help us remember the benefits of playing , exploring, and just having fun.

Reasons to Be Thankful for Our Pets

They Give Us Purpose 🌷

Some could say they keep us busy, but in reality caring for someone other than just yourself gives you great joy. Seeing your dog or cat show appreciation for you feeding them or petting them every day is enough to bring tears of joy to your eyes. They make getting out of bed each day easier.

All the work and responsibility that goes into pet parenting comes back tenfold in the joy they bring to our lives every day. The truth is, they may show us the most joy when we come home, but I think we can all agree that it is us that are truly thankful to see them when we walk through that door.

We are so thankful for all the warm cuddles on cold, wintery nights; the slobbery kisses; the calming purrs; the hours of entertainment; the stories for years to come; the warm hearts they give us; and more than anything, the unmatchable joy that they bring to our lives each and every day. So this holiday season, be sure to give thanks for your pup or kitty by letting them know just how much they mean to you, and just how much your life changed for the better when you brought them home.

They Make Us Better People πŸ₯°

Caring for a pet helps you maintain a paw-sitive mindset. When you give your pet a treat for doing something correctly, you are training them by using the method of positive reinforcement. By focusing on this training style, we learn to pay attention to what we love about others and our surroundings. It keeps us concentrated on the good rather than the bad. There is no room for negativity here!

Purrs and Tail Wags 😺 🐢

Last but not least, our four-legged pals really complete our families, and turn our houses into homes. A purring kitty or an adorable dog is a wonderful thing to come home to!

While there are a million reasons to be grateful for our furry family members, we hope you enjoyed reading some of our selections for you.


Northbrook Animal Hospital
Evolve Pet Food

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